ROTOAire has been BC’s source for HVAC products since it’s inception in  1962.  Providing quality systems and IAQ solutions for  HVAC filtration, dust collection systems, evaporative cooling products, and HVAC housing and hardware.

ROTOAire  is  a  BC owned and operated company,  specializing  in  filtration  and  related systems.  We  have  been  in  business  for  over  forty  years  and represent some of the industry’s  top  manufacturers.  With  a  reputation  of  having  the lowest  lead-times and highest  quality  products,  ROTOAire  is   focused   on  providing  the right solution at the right  price  for  all  our   customers,   regardless   of  size.  We  offer competitive  pricing, freight deals at volume,  and  no charge  “bag & tag”   services.

All   of   our  filtration  products  are  ULC  listed  and specifications  are available on all of our products.

We    provide   unique   solutions   to   the  HVAC (heating,ventilating and air conditioning) and  we’ve  learned  that sometimes the best product available is your own!  From special size  filter  (run daily),  to  unique  products  such  as  our  carbon   wire  support  panels, ROTOAire’s years of experience allows us the versatility  to manufacture the right product for  your  application.  With  a  wide  range  of  custom  metal products such as washable aluminium  and  galvanized  filters, media holding frames, and custom electrostatics, even our lead-times are  half the  competition’s. From the beginning ROTOAire has endeavoured to have  the  most  complete  line  available.  With filters for evaporative cooling, clean rooms,  retrofit  and  custom  dust  collection,  and  even  combination filters tailored for residential  VOC (odor, chemicals) abatement,  we  think  you will find  us  to  be  the true “one-stop shop”  around.


#4 - 1455 Brigantine Drive. Coquitlam BC, Canada. V3K 7C2 Toll Free: 877-946-7686 Local : 604 525-6100 Local Fax : 604 525-6111